You Got Umbreon!

You Have Eevolved Into Umbreon! Umbreon is the eeveelution of mystery. It is a companion that will fight for you no matter the situation. Umbreon is agile, quick, and slick. You might not be able to see it, but it can definitely see you! By getting Umbreon, it shows that you are sometimes hesitant, but […]

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You Got Sylveon!

You Have Eevolved Into Sylveon! Sylveon is the eeveelution of love. It is short, sweet, to the point, and is always showing affection to its trainer; the “lover of all” Pokémon! Sylveon is gentle outside of battle and spreads happiness naturally. It keeps everyone in high spirits! By getting Sylveon, it shows that you are […]

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You Got Leafeon!

You Have Eevolved Into Leafeon! Are you a peacemaker? The strong and silent pacifist, with power and a good sense of when to use it? Then you are a Leafeon! This healthy eeveelution is one of wisdom. It’s not a coward – it won’t back down in times of need. By getting Leafeon, you show that […]

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You Got Glaceon!

You Have Eevolved Into Glaceon! Glaceon is the eeveelution of chill. It is cool as a cucumber, calm under pressure, and level-headed in almost any circumstance. By getting Glaceon, it shows that you are a stable and mature person. You rarely need to be aggressive to get what you want! When life calls for it, […]

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You Got Espeon!

You Have Eevolved Into Espeon! Don’t let its appearances deceive — you may be under its charming spell! Espeon is a sleek psychic-type eeveelution, feline-like in appearance while extremely loyal, like a dog. By getting Espeon, you are a master of emotional intelligence. You can make friends incredibly easily, and immediately know what (or what […]

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You Got Vaporeon!

You Have Eevolved Into Vaporeon! Vaporeon is an eeveelution that is never a “fish out of water” – the highly adaptive, mysterious, and powerful Pokémon thrives both on the land and in the deep of the sea! Because you got Vaporeon, you are a person who can get along with almost anyone. Despite having a […]

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You Got Flareon!

You Have Eevolved Into Flareon! Flareon is the eeveelution of courage. It doesn’t back down and uses its fiery intellect to conquer and understand the challenges around it. By getting Flareon, it shows that you are brave and precise. You don’t take a brutish approach to difficult situations, as your physical strength is not your […]

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You Got Jolteon!

You Have Eevolved Into Jolteon! Jolteon is the eeveelution of energy. It is lightning fast, powerful, and does not take no for an answer. It is fiercely loyal, and after that loyalty has been earned, it will go out of its way to prove it. By getting Jolteon, it means that you are very transparent […]

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